Pollution is defined as the release of toxic or harmful substance into the environment by the nature forces or man and other animals to an extent that cause biological damage to man and his resources. The harmful substances that cause pollution in the environment are called pollutants.
Different kinds of pollution are found
- Water Pollution
- Land Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Noise pollution
Water Pollution
Water pollution is the introduction of chemical, physical, or biological material into fresh or ocean waters that degrades the quality of the water and affects the organisms living in it. Water pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, and as different water sources flow together the pollution can spread
Sources of Water Pollution
Water bodies such as estuaries, rivers, streams, lakes and seas get polluted when diverse materials and toxic wastes from domestic and industrial activities of man are dumped into them.
- Refuse and sewage: Some waste materials from toilets and kitchens when drained into rivers will cause water pollution. This waste contains disease causing micro-organisms which may result in people catching diseases if they use this untreated water.
- Chemical waste: This often comes from Industries and ships at harbor. When dumped in water, it can kill aquatic organisms and makes water unfit for human consumption. When injested, It can accumulate in human body and become toxic later, e.g. lead and mercury
- Pesticides and fertilizers: These are washed by erosion from farms to rivers, stream or ponds. It leads to rapid vegetative growth of water plants which makes fishing and movement impossible.
- Crude Oil: When oil tankers are loading and off-loading, some of the oil spills and get back to the river and estuaries. Explosion at offshore rigs releases great quantities of oil and when oil tankers wreckages results in oil spillage. Oil spillage can cripple economic life of fisherman and farmers in affected areas. The spilled oil forms a coat on the surface of the water cutting off oxygen supply from plants and animals in the water
Methods to control Water pollution
- Enlightenment of public on proper disposal of human faeces, wine and domestic refuses
- There should be efficient and proper sewage disposal system
- Dumping of refuse or petrochemical by product into rivers, streams or seas should be avoided
- Farmers should be educated on proper use of fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides ad herbicides.
- All necessary precaution should be employed to avert oil spillage.
Land Pollution
Land pollution is the degradation of the Earth’s land surface through misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, industrial waste dumping, and indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes. It includes visible waste and litter as well as pollution of the soil itself
Forms of Land Pollution
- Soil Pollution: Soil pollution is mainly due to chemicals in herbicides and pesticides which kill insects and other invertebrate pests. Litter is waste material dumped in public places such as streets, parks and near shops.
- Waste Disposal: The accumulation of waste threatens the health of people in residential areas. Waste decays, encourages household pests and turns urban areas into unsightly, dirty and unhealthy places to live in
Sources of Land pollution
- Sewage: It comes from homes and serves as breeding ground for disease causing organism
- Refuse: Refuse comes from Home, offices industries and markets. It causes offensive odour when the refuse decay
- Metal scraps: They originate from abandoned vehicles and machines. It occupies land space and prevents proper land use
- Chemicals: These come from industries and are poisonous to plant and animals
- Pesticides and fertilizers: They are pesticides sprayed on crops and fertilizers used in soils. They destroy useful soil organisms. Additionally, Excess fertilizers can cause soil acidity
Methods to control Land Pollution
- Refuse should be burnt in incinerators
- Legislation should be made by government against dumping of harmful or toxic wastes
- Urban wastes should be properly burnt or buried
- Sewage should be properly treated before disposal
Air Pollution
Air pollution is the accumulation in the atmosphere of substances that, in sufficient concentrations, endanger human health or produce other measured effects on living matter and other materials. In other words, Air pollution is defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of the air.
Air pollutants
- Carbon monoxide: It comes from the burning of fuel cars and other combustion engines and some industrial processes.It causes suffocation because it combines with hemoglobin and reduces its ability to carry oxygen which result in death.
- Nitrogen oxides: It comes from Electrical discharge in air and industrial processes. It forms nitric acid with water in air to form acid rain which corrodes metallic objects. It irritates the skin and respiratory system
- Sulphur dioxide: Sulphur dioxide comes from burning from vehicle’s exhaust coal mining and cement factory. It causes impaired health such as the irritation of eyes lungs and skin, cough and other respiratory tract diseases. It also causes acid rain.
- Soot and Smoke: They come from Burning of substance from industries, machines and coal into the air. The soot Particles can damage lungs and cause discomfort. Soot can cover the leaves of plant thereby reducing photosynthesis while smoke reduces visibility
- Dust Particles: It comes from Mining, quarries, machines and industrial process. It irritates respiratory system and cause respiratory diseases such as catarrh and cough
Effects of Air Pollution:
- Smoke particles make streets and building dirty.
- Smoke reduces visibility within the environment.
- Smoke smog and dust can reduce intensity and quality of sunlight which in turn reduces photosynthesis and automatically crop yields.
- Oxide of nitrogen in very high concentration can cause death of animals.
- Nitrogen (iv) oxide cause irritation of the eyes in humans.
- Carbon (ii) oxide can easily combine with haemoglobin that can reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
- Sulphur (iv) oxide a pollutant resulting from the activities of petroleum refineries, poisons plant and lower their yield.
- Sulphur (iv) oxide causes respiratory diseases as it damages respiratory organs.
- It makes the soil highly acidic as it forms tetraoxosulphate (iv) acid in rain water and affects plant growth negatively.
- Dust particles in the atmosphere reduces visibility and intensity of sunlight, dust in water spoils its quality for drinking.
- Pollen grains present in dust trigger off bouts of lung disorders such as asthma.
- Smog reduces visibility, hours of sunlight and could be dangerous for motorists.
Solutions to Air Pollution
- Industries should be sited for away from residential and commercial areas.
- Chimney pieces should be used in houses, industries and similar places to release their pollutants for from ground level.
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution or unwanted sounds that are carried by the air, have an irritating and detrimental effect on humans and other animals. Careful planning of streets and buildings in towns and better control over noisy vehicles may add to the control of noise pollution.
Sources of noise Pollution
- Locomotive engines
- Low flying aircraft.
- Car horns and sirens
- Factory or industrial noise
- Bombs especially atomic bombs
- Musical sets, Radio and television tuned to highest volume
- Automobiles
- Guns of various types
Effects of noise pollution
- causes headache and discomfort
- prevents some people from sleeping
- causes restlessness as it quickens heartbeat and blood circulation
- Prolonged high-intensity noise can damage ear drums and causes deafness
Methods to control Noise Pollution
- Laws should be made against the use of loud speakers in public places
- Rail ways and airports should be far away from residential areas.
- There should be reduction of noise from loud speakers and car sirens
- There should be installation of sound proofs in industries and generators